Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog # 5

Choice #4

Where am I, I woke up this morning in a new reality. There's huge buildings that seem to take up half the sky and the noise is ridiculous. Everything is so different, I can tell I'm still on earth but I still feel as if I'm on a different planet.  The people that I've encountered have been extremely rude and I cannot seem to grasp anything around me. 

I find it kind of ironic that I spent a year of solitude to get away from the advancements of what I thought was a new age and now I've somehow ended up in the future and I can see what has happened. The railroad was the way to travel but now there are these personalized machines everywhere which is probably terrible for the ecosystem. While I was thinking this I could just notice how dirty the air around me felt when I would breath, and I hope that I can just find another log house and live there because then I would know how to live.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog #4

Thoreau and Emmerson really went about getting their voice's across the right way in my opinion. I had to read through Emmerson's piece a couple of times because it didn't make any sense to me but I enjoyed reading his section a lot because there were a lot of quotes that I liked in it. "The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. "   The power we get is through our intelligence and at 20 years old I know that I have not experienced anything compared to the generation above us, and Emmerson gets this. This quote is very powerful because we shouldn't question the strength of a person until we are positive they have put their best foot foward, and not only should we not question one person but definitly not an entire generation hense the second part of the quote "and none but he knows what that is which he can do" .   The last section of the quote reminds me of my mom when I was growing up in elementary school because I tried everything from the tuba and trumpet to almost every sport we could do. The point here is that it was that time of year last year when my elementary school was showing all the band instruments to my 11 yr old sister and she wanted to play the trombone.  I 99.9999999% KNEW that she would not stick with it and so did my brother so we were telling our mom not to waste the money on it. She got frustrated with us and told us its not the point that she's not going to stick with it, she gets to try something knew and we dont know whats going to happen, what if she likes it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Dumbest Generation

A couple of quotes stood out when I was reading this week, "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I agree and disagree with this statement, I can relate to this but only on a small scale and not on an entire generation of people. There are too many variables to consider for this quote to even be possible.

"47% of grads in 1950 could name the largest lake in North America, compared with 38% in 2002."  My first instinct after reading this comment was just to backlash on it because it is completely irrelevant to what the author is trying to prove.  52 years have passed from 1950 when the government had taken their first survey. The amount of information that the world has discovered and all the advancements in every field of work we have had improved  drastically for the most part. It should be obvious that a little fact like that would stop being at the top of peoples minds when there is much more to focus on. 

Also in our class discussion one of my group member Katie was bashing on Dr. Bauerlein because he puts a lot of the blaim for our so called ignorance on us and its our responsibility.  I can say that sure some of it may be ours to take, however if it bothers the older generation so much then they should step in with different ideas rather than writing a book that says its my fault. Just for an example, we have changed the way the world looks at our generation because of popular media, but if you look back in time who's fault was it for global warming, and the DDT crisis. So everybody makes these mistakes, and it will just continue and keep cycling.