Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog # 5

Choice #4

Where am I, I woke up this morning in a new reality. There's huge buildings that seem to take up half the sky and the noise is ridiculous. Everything is so different, I can tell I'm still on earth but I still feel as if I'm on a different planet.  The people that I've encountered have been extremely rude and I cannot seem to grasp anything around me. 

I find it kind of ironic that I spent a year of solitude to get away from the advancements of what I thought was a new age and now I've somehow ended up in the future and I can see what has happened. The railroad was the way to travel but now there are these personalized machines everywhere which is probably terrible for the ecosystem. While I was thinking this I could just notice how dirty the air around me felt when I would breath, and I hope that I can just find another log house and live there because then I would know how to live.


  1. I think you did a great job describing what Thoreau might think of our world today. He would not only be taken back by the technological advances, but also just how the natural world looks. It is funny that you mention the people are rude. He would definitely think that because I think people were way more friendly and approachable in his time.

  2. I like how you wrote this. I like how you said "Everything is so different, I can tell I'm still on earth but I still feel as if I'm on a different planet." I thought this was very creative.

  3. I like when you said "I find it ironic that I've spent a year of solitude to get away from the advancements of what I thought was a new age and now I've somehow ended up in the future and I can see what has happened."That sentence stuck out to me most kind of showing the transformation he was going through.

  4. I think you related this really well, especially about knowing you're on earth but feel like you're on a different planet.
